Take control of your career with Cyberjin’s AI job search avatar
Less searching. Better job offers. Get your next job fast!

Tired of endlessly searching job boards, sifting through postings and responding to jobs that you never hear back from?
Auto-match your unique skills and experience to active job openings
Cyberjin’s AI job search avatar automatically matches your unique skills, talents and experience to active job opening.
Proactively apply to jobs and follow up with email automation to stand out from the crowd by communicating directly with the recruiting manager or decision makers – putting you in control!
1-click resume sharing
Upload your resume just once to a single location and let Cyberjin’s AI avatar automatically find and match you to the best jobs.
Auto-connect to job openings
Our AI job search avatar automatically connects you to matching job openings and queues them up for you. All you have to do is select and send.
Progress tracking
Cyberjin’s AI avatar will directly communicate to recruiters for you while keeping you informed of application and submission tracking.
You are the perfect match, but does the recruiting manager know that?
Auto-find your best job for career growth
Cyberjin’s AI job search tools create a job-match score for you and then automates the finding of your best matched roles for career growth. Auto-send personalized messages to set up more quality interviews, putting you at the top of the list.
Additionally, Cyberjin’s AI job search avatar can look ahead and notify you of your next career move and matching job openings.